Motivation words
Tuesday, 22 January 2019 - Permalink - 0 Comments
       I found some motivation words to help you in case you're having bad days,depression or mental breakdown. Found it on twitter and big thanks to @rgnaley_ and others for these kind words! Here you go;

1) Maybe you feel alone. Maybe you feel not worth it. Maybe you have these dark thoughts in your head, that thing would be better if you hurt yourself. But it's only your mind telling you a string of lies and im begging you to not believe it. The pain you're feeling will fade away.

2) No matter you are, just be yourself, don't hear whatever society say to you, keep calm and always doing a good deeds.

3) Don't compare yourself with others. We are created differently even a twins. We are all on a journey to find something,to become something, to learn and to create, so don't lose hope.

4) Remind yourself it's okay not to be okay. Sometimes we don't have to hold it together every second every day. It's okay to break down, it's okay to cry. After all, we all are just human beings.

5) No matter how hurt and sad you are. try to get up and see what's around you. There'll be so many  people that still love you and hope you'll live your life happily. So please do smile and be patience always okay.

6) For whatever reason, sit back. Rilex. Everything happens for reason. You are much more than what you think. Strong people tend to fall hundred times and get up for thousands. So, don't give up. You can do this!