Thursday, 17 January 2019 - Permalink - 0 Comments

           I wonder what my life is if, I didn’t get into MRSM. I wonder what my life is if, I did not perform well in my SPM. Last three years was challenging. I applied for MRSM application in Form 3 and really hope to get accepted in MRSM. I applied MRSM for the sake of my parents eventhough I don’t want to leave SMK Seri Manjung and my friends. Finally, my application is approved. This result does make my parents proud but not really for me. Leaving home is not my choice but, for my parents, again, I sacrifice my friends and home. Homesick, no friends and studies, I got stressed and cried. I just want to leave MRSM GERIK. I know my decision will break my parents’ heart but I just want to leave. For 3 weeks my parents back and forth from Manjung to Gerik to console me. After a month, finally I see the point of my parents sending me there. New mission and vision. I try to catch up with my studies. I try to be friend with others. Final semester, I got into top 5. Through ups and downs,I finally continue my studies in Form 5 but unfortunately, I did not perfom for my SPM Trial. With my Trial SPM result, I try to apply for Mechanical Engineering in Petronas University of Technology but my application was rejected. I gave up but again, my parents give me support for my SPM. Finally my SPM result is better than my Trial results. I try to apply again for the university and I got accepted! This is the best memory in my life ever! Now, I’m pursuing my studies in Mechanical Engineering and will graduate in 2 months! Finally, this is the life that I want.