1st Year 2nd Semester
Thursday 14 November 2019 - Permalink - 0 Comments
        The day I posted this, the day I fucked up my ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS TEST 2. FGS, I didn't know what I wrote on the test paper. I just wrote what I knew, I didn't care either it's right or wrong. I just wanted to finish the test early. Yall know that everyone didn't have enough time to finish it, but, me, this girl, finished the test 15 minutes earlier than anyone else. There are 2 types of reason why people leave the hall early. First, they can answer the test well. Like really well. Second, the person gave up and be like " Thats it, fuck you ". Yes, I'm the second category. There's time when I think,"Hey, I should give up with myself. I can't do this anymore. This thing is tiring. Degree life is tiring. Last minute thingy, friendship problem, studies, relationship things. I want to die". Every single day I think of it from week 9 to week 11. Things getting harder from time to time. I tried to control my feelings, so I won't burst out to others.